Friday 7 April 2017

Genre Mood Board

Thriller mood board

Shutter Island:
  • Firstly, the lack of colour and dark hues creates the feeling of uneasiness and convey to the audience that the story line will depict melancholy themes; this is not a story of happy endings.
  • The landscape mid shot allows for the setting to be shown; the feeling of isolation is created by the lack of land and uplifting, summer weather. Pathetic fallacy is shown here where the weather reflects the mood of the film.
  • By the character on the right looking into the distance portrays a sense of distance from his partner and allows the audience to assume that he is in search for something; which he does not know the answer to. The use of the cigarette may represent a form of stress relief; the detective is on edge (the gripped fist on the bar contributing to this interpretation).
  • The lack of people on the boat show that they are not travelling to a tourist destination; they are in search of something to do with a serious cause and their costumes link to the idea of investigation (smart attire, stereotypical detective coat).


  • The dark lighting creates a feeling of uneasiness and seclusion. In addition, the lighting heightens the sinister character of the woman.
  • The shadow of the window behind her is a dramatic technique which resembles tension and the feeling of being trapped.
  • A low angle shot is used in this image to illustrate the character in a domineering way; the use of direct address also heightens this as the woman is staring down at the audience (the audience being in the vulnerable position).
  • Again, there is a lack of colour which is common with thrillers due to its dark, psychological narratives.


  • Alfred Hitchcock, the director of this film, has created the movie in black and white. Consequently, causing the film to appear sinister due to the absence of colour and the high level of dark shadows that are included in each shot. The black and white affect may also reflect the battle between light and dark; much like the mind of Norman Bates.
  • This image is of a mid shot, although the rule of three is used to allow the audience to view the setting and what props are used in this room. The character in shot seems less significant in this shot as the background overpowers the image; this technique may be insinuating that the 'birds of prey' and the portraits of bare women reflect the characters nature (predatory and lustful of women) as the props have a lot of prevalence time in this sequence.
  • The use of lighting also contributes to the shot as half of the characters face is lit, and the other is in the shadow; further reinforcing two personalities and a battle between them. Overall, creating a sense of eeriness and suspense.

Secret Window:

  • Again, the setting has more prevalence in this image; heightening the feeling of danger and the vulnerability of the character in the vast open space. The long shot creates this atmosphere and the position of the character (situated on the left).
  • There is an absence of colour apart from the greenery of the forest; possibly referring to the fact that nature is prominent here and venturing into this can be a dangerous act (nature is unpredictable and can often be cruel). The lack of colour relates to the tension and shows that the narrative is one that contrasts warmth and happiness.
  • Lighting in this scene depicts nighttime (linking to vulnerability and the unknown). The characters torch is his only form of comfort and protection in this dark environment and yet it only lights a small fraction of the surroundings. Lighting is used in the top left to represent the moonlight (where the character is facing), possibly linking to him searching for closure and means of escape from the melancholy plot.
  • His costume conveys that he is a casual character (dressing gown), and can not sleep due to whatever is tormenting him. The hair of the character is long and untidy; linking to the feeling of being unsettled and wanting to investigate the surroundings to discover whatever is troubling him. 

The Others:
  • The mid shot is most predominantly focused on the shadows behind the character; this is possibly enhancing the fact the character is surrounded by darkness (spiritually) or walking away from it as the eerie doorway sits behind her. 
  • The lighting also causes a contrast in light on her face; relating to the two personas of the character (both good and bad), during this scene this interpretation becomes clear in the plot.
  • From the old fashioned lamp and her clothing, it conveys that this takes place in a historic setting, possibly early 20th century. Due to it being a thriller also, this movie could be a hybrid of historical and thriller. 
  • By the expression on her face, it is evident that she is frightened or shocked (enhanced by the touching of her face in disbelief); by just viewing this shot, it creates enigma as the audience is left unaware of what she is looking at and what is causing her to be so frightened. 

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