Thursday 23 March 2017


'The BBFC is the British Board of Film Classification; it is an independent, non - government body, which classifies movies, videos and video games. Classifications range between 'U' (Universal) suitable for ages 4 and over and '18' suitable only for adults'.

By our questionnaire results and the majority of psychological thrillers being a 15 we decided to create our film based on the conventions of a '15' rated movie. '15' rated films are suitable for ages 15 and over; anyone younger than this is prohibited to view the film. 

There are certain aspects of film content that are not exceptable for this rating of film, and if shown would possibly or certainly would be classed as an '18', depending on the extent of the intense/forceful themes :

  • The work as a whole should not enforce strong discrimination.
  • There should be no scenes of strong substance usage e.g solvents.
  • Dangerous behaviour such as suicide should not be in great detail so the audience can not be influenced by the scenes in any way. 
  • No strong sexual themes. 
  • Sexual threat is unacceptable. 
  • Violence can be strong yet not dwell on the pain or injury of the character.
'Classified' would not include any of the listed above due to its disturbing and graphic scenes. On the other hand, '15' rated movies can:

  • Discriminating themes or language.
  • Drug taking.
  • Dangerous behaviour (depending on realism, context and setting)
  • Strong language. 
  • Nudity (no strong detail)
  • Sexual activity.
  • Strong threat and horror.
  • Gory images (although not strong)
Although our production will not include drug taking, discrimination, nudity or sexual activity as its themes do not correspond to our plot and due to it having an overall negative impact on our narrative due to the fact these themes are unnecessary. Also, our movie is targeted to all genders, sexualities, races and all people in general and so discrimination would be highly offensive. Though our film does not include some aspects of other '15' rated films, 'Classified' does include violent nature, gory images, and possibly strong language due to the intense plot line. Our first sequence involves a murder scene, yet the pain inflicted on the victims face will not be shown. 

Other thriller films rated as '15's include:
  1. Shutter Island
  2. Source Code
  3. The Sixth Sense 
  4. Split
  5. The Butterfly Effect 
'18' thriller films include:
  1. Se7en
  2. Misery
  3. Silence of the Lambs
These movies contain graphics and extremely gory scenes; Se7en's storyline is evolved around the 'seven deadly sins' and a mentally disturbed antagonist whom inflicts gruesome murders based around these sins. Misery contains prolonged scenes of pain from the victim and Silence of the Lambs has intense language, methods of murder and unsettling scenes. 

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