Thursday 2 March 2017

Props and Costumes


In relation to props, the package was the most symbolic from the plot; the whole film is based around it. We decided to use a package for our psychological thriller as it's secrecy would capture the audience's attention; what is in the package? Why are the characters going to such a length to obtain it? It's design of being a plain brown package allows there to be no clue as to what its content holds; the brown paper was often used for purposes in the early 20th century ('brown paper packages tied up with string'), this sense of oldness further enhances the enigma as it seems this simple parcel has traveled great lengths due to its dullness. As the package is tied up with string, it shows close precision has gone into the wrapping of the parcel, yet it does not seem expensively decorated; conveys it has not been created from an expensive organisation etc. and instead from the lowest profile character imaginable. Another significant prop is the black gloves, both the antagonist and the protagonist wear these. Firstly, the protagonist wears these gloves (seen putting them on in the opening sequence) as she does not want the risk of finger print traces to be on the package; this added detail shows her cautiousness and sense of awareness, also, the threat of carrying the parcel holds. Similarly, the antagonist wears the gloves to hide all aspects of identity, as if they do not exist at all and are rather like a swift entity that takes the life of the girl in the opening sequence. One common stereotype is that if characters are wearing gloves, they have an hidden aspect of their personality; the girl may be hiding the reason as to why she has the parcel in the first place and the antagonist is hiding every aspect of themselves (their darker purpose, mysterious background etc.). All which heightens the suspense in the thriller. 

Withal, the rope is meaningful as it is the prop that is used to kill the victim. We wanted to create the image that the antagonist was acting on impulse and after finding the victim, would search for a means of exterminating them. In our setting, a piece of rope was found amongst the leaves from a tyre swing which was previously there but after being damaged somehow, the area looked deserted which various materials such as pieces of rope left behind. By using the rope, it heightened the gruesomeness of the murder scene, as the death would be slow; implying the brutal nature of the antagonist. The end of the opening scene discovers that the 'real' package is still in the victims pocket, untouched by the villain. A decoy was used to distract the antagonist from the real package; they are unaware that the true package is just a small proximity away from them - yet they rapidly exit the scene anyway due to an incoming dog and owner. So, the decoy package is another significant prop in the opening sequence; the protagonist's intelligence allows them to manipulate the villain by believing the real package is the one they throw. Suspense is greatened as dramatic irony is used here due to the audience knowing the real package has been swapped with the fake. Following this realisation again at the end of the sequence after the death scene, it allows the plot to continue if this film was produced as the audience would want to discover who finds the package in the woods.

The protagonist's costume consists of dark colours; the hoodie of the character is black along with the shirt which is vertical black and white lines. The line pattern relates to the belief that it reflects tension as the imagery of stripes is the sense of being trapped and oppressed. By the opening scene, it is evident that by possessing the package, your fate is enviable as evil often follows the trace of it. Black connotes death, mystery and power which all reflect the protagonist. Moreover, the blue jeans reflect a feeling of casualness (a typical teenage girl), also, showing that she has dressed practically as speed walking/running will be necessary in case of incoming danger. A high ponytail illustrates the pragmatic situation she is in, flowing hair would be unsuitable for a serious task in the woods. The antagonist's costume is one that elucidates the sense of confidentially surrounding the character. From head to toe, the costume consists of the colour palette of black and white (with the hint of crimson). Black connotes the same as the protagonist's costume which also links to the antagonist; although inflicting death rather than being a victim of death. In the surroundings, mostly black figures would be unnoticeable amongst the trees and so, with this costume, their presence would be less noticeable. Depending on interpretation, the unity of black and white colours may convey the battle between light and dark, possibly posing the question; is the antagonist being slowly smothered by darkness? Were they always inflicting death? Overall, the most purposeful item of clothing is the large black scarf which completely expels any detail of the villain. The pitch black scarf alters the persona of the villain; promoting a sense of eeriness and brings the whole opening scene as something more sinister. Aside from the black and white rain mac, black jeans and black and white shoes, the villain's socks are crimson. The dash of crimson signifies blood and danger; this aspect of the villain is only shown in one shot (the low shot of their legs) which occurs just before the chase scene - amplifying the realisation to the audience that the girl is in trouble.

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