Monday 6 March 2017


Social Media

In modern society, marketing through social media is one of the most common and easily accessible ways of advertising your product. Wifi and technology appliances have advanced through technological convergence, especially in recent years, and are highly accessible throughout the world (majority of countries, most commonly HIC countries). Social media is the number one form of communicating and is the easiest way to access billions of information just by the click of a button on appliances such as smart phones. Examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc. Aside from the positives of signing up to these for the users intentions, social media is also the highest form of understanding societies likes/dislikes, hobbies, interests etc. for companies and organisations as millions of people are joined to at least one of these examples of social media. Film advertisement is frequently done on social media; e.g Facebook pages are set up to promote films where people can share, discuss and view trailers just by clicking the film's page. Furthermore, the app Instagram can be used to post snippets of the film such as short clips, camera shots that grab the audience's attention, posters etc. Linking social media to celebrity endorsement, many films advertise themselves by the actors/actresses/background team posting pictures and posts on their social media, giving their fans an inside view of the making of the film which essentially captures their attention. Moreover, social media allows the user to 'check in' where they are, for instance the cinema, and can even put on which film their seeing. 'Check in' numbers can be viewed to see how many people are at the cinema at one time, if a 'friend' on Facebook sees this check in, they may wish to go (especially if the film is popular).


Movies always have a trailer released before the actual movie release date. Trailers allow the audience to see a brief selection of clips all from the original movie; allowing the movie to gain publicity before reaching cinemas. This gives the chance to target their specified audience and allow society to obtain a glimpse of what the plot contains. Fast transitioning shots are often used in trailers which leaves the audience slightly confused, heightening the enigma of the film which causes the public to want to see the film (often occurs in horrors, actions, thrillers etc. to create a climatic series of events). Trailers are placed at the beginning of films in the cinema, these often take up a time slot of around 20 minutes, as audiences are forced to view these before their actual cinema film; trailers shown are of the age rating of the cinema movie as the audience is of this age and upwards. During advertisements on telly, trailers are also slotted in so those watching TV in the comfort of their own home are also targeted by film companies. Social media also links into this form of marketing as social media pages post trailers so those who are members of the accounts can also view it; be this through sponsored Facebook pages (where members can share trailers amongst friends etc). Also, YouTube is a major distributer of film clips such as trailers.


Another form of marketing is posters; these can be put on display in bus stops, on buses, train stations, magazines etc. They are a still snapshot of the genre and message of the film; sometimes these posters have slogans which heighten the curiosity in the audience and are commonly a catchy, brief statement that stays in the viewers mind. Posters are placed in these areas due to the fact much of society will be in close proximity of it, such as buses which are constantly stopping at one stop to the next, various towns and places on route will be able to view the large poster on the side of the vehicle. It is an effective form of marketing as those who are not on a piece of technology or watching a film can still be captured by the upcoming film through the poster. Posters are often creative and eye capturing seeing as they need to be noticed through the streets etc. Along with the slogan, the main actors names are on the poster as well to greaten their popularity, especially well experienced and paid actors such as Clint Eastwood would receive a wider attention. Every detail of the poster conveys the genre and atmosphere relating to the film; colour, position of character, symbolic messages etc. all partner up to create the overall essence of the movie. 


Although the film producers are not advertising themselves, another form of marketing is just by the audience socialising with others with those who haven't yet seen the film; you may not realise it, but when you speak positively about a film, you are promoting it. Even an aspect of the 'gratifications theory' links to this (interact); after watching a piece of media it is more than likely that it will be discussed in conversation with friends, family members, neighbours etc. This can even be in the form of online discussions; such as someone posting a status on Facebook regarding a film and mentioning their views on it which can be seen by their whole 'friends' list. If someone goes into detail about the overall feel of the film they see (mentioning the atmosphere created and the constant 'edge of your seat feeling' e.g) they will go to experience what their friend etc. has. There are some negatives of socially marketing films though; some may describe the whole plot to their friend (plot twists and all) and so, may be less likely to see it due to knowing the whole plot. Also, negative feedback on a film will cause those who hear it to turn away from watching the film; withal, this may create a ongoing loop (the one who hears the negative feedback but not seen it would repeat this to others, which will cause them to not see it and so on and so forth).


Websites are a useful way of strictly posting and regarding anything to do with the upcoming film. Firstly, on a film website, events may be organised (e.g Guerrilla advertising, premieres etc) where all the interested soon-to-be fans can access upcoming events involving the new film. Other things that may be posted on the site would be interviews with those involved in the acting of the production; this gives insight on what they found most interesting and any struggles they faced during filming - it also allows the viewer to have an opportunity to get to know the actors/actresses more than what they may already. This enhances their reasons of watching the film due to being a fan of a celebrity involved. Behind the scenes and bloopers could also be exclusively posted on their official website, which allows the website user to witness the amount of time and effort that goes into creating the film and the processes at which they go through. Furthermore, bloopers and extra clips can be seen as an added bonus which gives the celebrities a sense of realness and mellow/witty etc personality - although this may be viewed as breaking the atmosphere of a genre (thriller) so bloopers may be posted after the film is released on the website to eliminate any feeling of comic relief from previously watched clips. 

One unique and well known film website is 'Project Prometheus'. Evidently, this website brings a whole new definition of movie websites; this one completely transports the viewer into another era and universe created by the verisimilitude which is present in its fictional posts. Links on the website such as character interviews enables the movie and its plot to essentially come to life. For example, 'Project Prometheus Training Centre' with an 'apply now' button; the fans are then placed into the world of sci-fi, giving them the opportunity to be involved in the 'worldwide project based on discovering planets and artificial intelligence'). Snapshots from the website convey character fact files and clips of them talking to the viewer; permitting them to be classed as 'real' and for them to gain supporters/fans as they are 'revealing' their persona, interests etc. which the film company has created them to have in order to market their film. Additionally, you can share and sign up to this website, allowing the publisher to view how many followers they have and how to post exclusive posts just to those who apply - making the fans have a sense of significance.

Guerilla advertising

Guerrilla advertising can be a number of things. One form is publicity stunts, for example, 'Batman' would meet in cities for meet and greet events to promote the film. The idea would bring to life the concept, along with one of the most famous superheroes; the public would feel completely involved in the movie and the imaginary world of Gotham which would boost the chances of viewing the film - seeing as they had met Batman himself. This is known as 'flash mobs'. Another form of guerrilla marketing is stickers; large painted stickers which would be visible which ever way you walk, such as on the floor or on a plain large wall. It has a similar effect to posters but instead is creative and imprinted - a lot more simpler and direct to the audience. Undercover marketing is also another form which has been used by companies before: Sony set up a campaign in 2002 in which actors were hired to wander the streets asking strangers to take photos of them. During the interaction, the actors would boast and compliment their new phone; essentially persuading the stranger to buy one. For marketing films, disguised marketers may be in the crowd at film events etc. and talk about how great the film is to persuade the person without seeming to be from the company themselves; making it more reliable. A unique form of this marketing was done by the producers of Blair Witch; they sent potential fans content and teasers as to whether the footage (of the Blair Witch) was real or not. Consequently, exacerbating the suspense and the mystery behind the film which society would be intrigued to find the truth about by watching the film. If people are at an exciting and unique event, they will post on Facebook, take videos for snapchat and tweet about it on Twitter; so even those who they don't discuss it with or witness it themselves will be impressed by the event (if successful).

There are many positives to this form of marketing as it is cheap to execute (majority), allows for those who witness it to discuss it by word -of-mouth with friends etc essentially causing publicity to have a snowball effect (becoming increasingly larger). Although, some forms of marketing could go against the authorities such as the large graffiti stickers, and some members of the public way point out that events and disguised actors are merely set up for society to be persuaded into watching the film. Also, bad weather and other forms of obstacles can cause the event to have a decreased effect.

Celebrity endorsement

Celebrity endorsement is when celebrities are used to promote a film or promote it unintentionally. As some celebrities are widely known, if they promote a film many will take their word for it due to their experience and high reputation in society. Fans would have the mindset of; if their favourite celebrity likes it, "I'm bound to as well". Celebrities may be asked to attend events/premieres in order to widen the attenders and for those who arrive to have a bonus of seeing a famous celebrity. On the other hand, celebrities may market films unintentionally. For example, during filming, celebrities may post on their social media a selfie of them with cast members etc and behind the scenes clips and photos; the followers of the celebrities get to take the journey on creating the film. Celebrity's excitement due to being on set and their experience in a new film encourages fans to also gain excitement. Furthermore, celebrities may post countdowns to the film and post messages like "Book your tickets now" and "See you soon" to further motivate society to see the film; the technique of direct address is also used here, making it more specific to the individual. 


Synergy involves two companies both partnering together to equally promote each others product. In context, fast food chains will join together with film companies to create toys/merchandise etc. for children's meals to promote the film, and the film company may include an advert in the opening sequence in the cinema to promote their sponsor equally. Certain cinemas also join up with film companies to promote the latest film by creating popcorn holders with the poster printed on the side, drink cups with the characters printed on etc e.g Empire and Divergent. One of the most well known examples of synergy is James Bond's Skyfall and Adele's Skyfall single used for the film. Adele's song has been created for the movie which promotes the film; and by having Adele singing the signature song promotes her as the listener would be more inclined to listen to her tracks and may venture into the other songs released on her album. 

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